Ralph Lauren

Stock Analysis

The Ask

Analyze the stock performance of a selected fashion company during two specific five-week periods (March-April 2020 and August-September 2023). Investigate how microeconomic and macroeconomic factors impacted the company’s stock prices and financial health. The project includes a written APA-style paper and a slide deck summarizing the research.

The Process

Company Selection: Choose a fashion company with accessible stock performance data for the specified periods. I chose Ralph Lauren.

Introduction: Research the company's history, leadership, and financial highlights from the latest annual report. Summarize the findings

Stock Data Collection: Compile daily stock price data (opening and closing) for the two-time frames in a table format. Create corresponding line or bar graphs for visual representation.

Trend Analysis: Analyze changes in stock performance during both periods, identifying the reasons behind fluctuations. Research economic, industry-specific, and company-specific events that contributed to these changes.

Report Composition: Write a detailed APA-formatted paper, including visuals, and provide a concise summary of findings. Then transfer the summary and findings into a slide deck.


Research | Data Analysis | Financial Literacy | Visual Representation | Design

The Outcome

A concise, well-researched analysis of the stock performance of Ralph Lauren during two distinct five-week periods. The project examines the company's stock changes, defines the factors influencing these fluctuations, and visually presents the data through tables and graphs.

@ Copyright 2024 - McKenna-Kate Gaudio